Delaware Top Blogs

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

I have been out of circulation

 Sometimes I wonder why I keep this thing up.  I have decided that my posts have lately not been amusing.  If I were one of my faithful followers I would probably abandon ship.

All I do is go to doctors and buy appliances to replace the ones that were in the house but decided to break down right after the closing. 

The latest was a hot water heater.  Last time I replaced one of these it cost me $300.  This one was $4000.   I was inclined to put it off but washing my hands in tepid water soon got old.

I only hope nothing goes wrong soon.

I also had foot surgery and have been sequestered for two weeks.  I thought I could use the time to address Christmas cards, but I haven't.  I also ran out of postage stamps.

I am really not in a good frame of mind, but I would still like to wish my loyal fans Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Let's go Brandon.  It's too late to wish you Happy Chanukah, but I had good intentions and hope you got lots of latkes.  And jelly donuts, if you like them.

Best wishes to all.

























Paul Mitchell said...

I do pray you had a Happy Chanukah and hope the rest of your holidays are filled with family and wonderment.

God bless you and your family, Miriam.

ETat said...

Let's go Brandons of the world, unite!-I say.
Wishing you (and to self...) a happier new Year.
Please write more, if you can. Always a joy to see your new posts.