Delaware Top Blogs

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Try Harold Adams

 I was shocked when I looked up Harold Adams on Amazon and they only had one book of his. "No badge, no gun."  Adams was a good chronicler of the Depression in the Midwest. More important, he was a damn good writer whose books entertained me.  Has he been forgotten?  If so, it is a pity.

Other mystery writers who have been undeservedly neglected:  John Maddox Roberts, who is entertaining about Ancient Rome, Elizabeth Daly, whose works take place in the thirties and forties in New York City.  There are others and I plan to write about them and give them their due at another time.

Try these three and let me know if you enjoy them.  I would also like suggestions from my readers about books I would enjoy.


Paul Mitchell said...

For some reason, James Michener has always been one of my favorite fiction writers. Space, Alaska, and Texas were three of my favorites.

For nonfiction, David McCullough, hands down. I have not read a single book of his that has not kept my attention through the whole book. I'm not sure if The Great Bridge, The Johnstown Flood, or The Path Between the Seas is my favorite, though. They were all excellent.

ETat said...

Thanks for the recs.
Here's mine