Delaware Top Blogs

Thursday, November 10, 2011

COmputer trouble

Either the computer or my brain is broken. Still trying to figure it out. All my bright ideas occur when the computer isn't working, and I can no longer remember what they are. One nice thing did happen, though-I sold a painting! My faithful réaders will her more from me anon, when I get Used to this iPad. If ever.


Dick Stanley said...

I'm waiting for my Kindle Fire to be delivered this coming week. I mainly want it for browsing and watching YouTube stuff. I don't expect it to be as complicated as the iPad, but then it only cost half as much.

miriam sawyer said...

I'm already reading my first kindle book. The app is free, but you can't borrow books from amazon unless you get the app from amazon.

Kitten said...

Congrats on the picture sale.