Delaware Top Blogs

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Librarians are strange

The more I think about it, the more I realize that librarians are weird. We're always so stingy about the taxpayer's money. When I started my last job, in 1991, I had a box of paper clips on my desk. That was the last box I ever got. When I received correspondence, I would remove the paper clips and put them in the box. Staples never got rich off me.

We also used to write on the back of catalog cards, so they shouldn't go to waste. Someone took the paper out of wastebaskets and cut it in pieces for patrons to write on. They wrote with a pen that was tied to a string, so we shouldn't waste the money on golf pencils ($5 a truckload, probably.)

We are so stingy with the taxpayer's money that when they cut our budget, we can't cut anything more. So we cut the nice little perks. We don't put in our mileage for re-payment. We pick up the cost of conferences ourselves, or at least the hotel charges, which we minimize by sleeping three to a room. (The youngest gets the folding bed.) To raise money, we sell (donated) hot dogs at the Winter Carnival, on our own time.

Our reward? They cut our budget even more, because we are doing such a fine job with what we have!


Anonymous said...

We're also the only group of people I know who are often required to have multiple degrees for pathetic salaries. Sheesh!

Rachel said...

You got it. See also this article that I was gonna blog about yesterday but somehow never got around to.

prairie biker said...

I always hated the spending orgy at the end of every year that was necessary to preserve operating budgets under the use or lose policy.

When I left the Air Force I gave them all the justification they needed to eliminate my job and 35 equivalent billets. About a 4 million annual savings from that.

miriam sawyer said...

Gee, Matt: When was that? Was that the year the government had sa surplus? Must have been.