Delaware Top Blogs

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Have you ever noticed that many improvements become burdens?

E-mail, for instance.  I welcomed e-mail for a variety of reasons.  I could get in touch with my friends.  I could order things online.  I could complain quickly and painlessly with providers such as Comcast.

  Now I dread it.  I get around 200 e-mails a day.  The only reason I look at them is to avoid a pile-up of epic proportions.  So I have to keep up with them in order to avoid being inundated by unwanted and unsolicited messages and missing the few--very few--from people I actually want to hear from.  When I miss a week I have so many messages that I just delete them all.

  The people I have financial accounts with want to send me e-mail bills.  Its cheaper and more convenient for them.  But not for me.  I prefer to get my bills from the post office.  In that way I can look at the charges and see if they really are something I charged or some kind of hack.  Ditto for bank statements.  More than once I have been charged two or even three times for something I only ordered once.  I was charged four times for "audible," which I never used and particularly loathe as I don't like books read to me.  The only thing I want to hear broadcast is music. 

 Another irksome feature of modern life is voicemail,  I long ago gave up answering my landline because of all the unwanted solicitations.  Now I am getting them on my cell phone.  So I never answer the cell phone unless the number is known to me.  But it's still annoying to hear it ring at inappropriate times.

  I'm not a hater of modernity, nor do I long for a simple life.Modern life is great.  I love air conditioning, ice makers, and Japanese cars, among other things too numerous to mention.
Including blogging.  And I appreciate those few, those happy few, who read my blogs.


Dick Stanley said...

Email reviewing and deleting is drudgery. Fortunately I only have to deal with about 50 a day. So is voicemail on the cell. I got rid of the landline for all the sales calls. Try taking the time to unsubscribe from some of the email. It makes it easier.

ETat said...

Indeed - I am happy to read your blog, Miriam!

Do you know that you can unsubscribe from lots of unsolicited emails? The option is usually at the very bottom and in the smallest font imaginable -but possible to find when you look for it, nevertheless.

As to cellphones' spam...agree. And I know of no remedy.

miriam sawyer said...

I do unsubscribe, but they come back. someone told me to put them in the spam folder, so I'm trying that.