Delaware Top Blogs

Monday, February 18, 2008

Suggestions for the obese

Good advice, but hard to put into practice:

The best way not to be fat is simply not to be American. But this may be harder than you think.
Recent scientific studies have shown that even the very air in America is full of extra calories....


Buckaroo Banzai said...

I reckon I can stop breathing . . .

Dick Stanley said...

The best way is not to follow the lazy eating habits of the obese poor and avoid high-sugar, high-corn syrup (i.e. "low fat") processed food.

Tat said...

I read this post @Rachel Lucas, and got so depressed, I had to turn the mirror to the wall and got get me a pint of Ice Cream.
OK, not Ice Cream. No-fat sherbet.

miriam sawyer said...

Tat: I find the no-fat stuff is worse than the real stuff. You have to eat large quantities of it to feel satisfied. At least, I do.

Dick Stanley said...

The no-fat stuff is so full of sugar or corn syrup that while you're allegedly saving your arteries, you're piling on the pounds and risking diabetes.

Tat said...

Oh my! I can't even skip the meals altogether - they say those who starvation-diet, gain more weight back later on than what they have started with in the first place.

Either way, I can't win, can I?

miriam sawyer said...

I think it would help if the restaurants did not serve such large portions. I noticed that they did not do this in France, but you get up from the table perfectly satisfied.

In American restaurants, they give you enough to feed a platoon.