Delaware Top Blogs

Monday, June 13, 2022

Inflation is catching up with me. And I don't like it.

 My IRA is especially hard hit.  The graph of its trajectory  causes great consternation--down is not where I want it to be.

Biden finds it exciting that the price of gas is going up.  I do not share his jubilation.  He reminds me of a kid playing with matches.  2024, please come soon!

Let's go to the polls and teach them a lesson--a lesson I am sure they are unable to benefit from.

Who is the most annoying new face in Washington.  I vote for Jennifer Granholm, the smuggest woman on the planet after Jane Fonda.  I am so glad that our suffering is causing her amusement.  Good that someone is enjoying this.


ETat said...

Some already went to the pols in DC - not even to teach them a lesson, just convey an opinion from the grassroots. You know what that intent got them.

I've been reading articles on 3 retirement sites, they agree in only one prognostication: that what we experience now is only a start of worse and more horrifying things.

DFM said...

Cheery news!