Committee for a better looking Congress
Some of the Republican newbies are much better looking than the current lot.
Above, Tim Burns and Scott Brown.
Next: John Murtha and Carl Levin.
and the ever-popular Babs Boxer:

Unfair, I know. Superficial, I admit to that. But which would you rather look at for several years on the evening news?
I rest my case.
Above, Tim Burns and Scott Brown.
Next: John Murtha and Carl Levin.
and the ever-popular Babs Boxer:

Unfair, I know. Superficial, I admit to that. But which would you rather look at for several years on the evening news?
I rest my case.
Oh boy.......back to the eye bleach
Ooooh. Good illustrations of why politics is called Hollywood for Ugly People.
I thought Charlie Wilson (the real one, not Tom Hanks) was a good looking guy. And I really don't agree with anything the President says or does, but he's not bad looking, either.
And Newt Gingrich is AWFUL. To quote the classic movie So I Married an Ax Murderer, "Boy's got a head like an orange on a toothpick."
I think that some of them are so awful that they make normal looking people look like film stars.
Henry Waxman has got to be the ugliest.
Henry Waxman - Nosferatu, separated at birth? Probably.
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