Delaware Top Blogs

Monday, July 27, 2009

Girl, 25, tries 70 jobs...

SHE’S tried 70 jobs but can’t find work that interests her. Simone Francis, 25, of Marrickville, is typical of a generation that jumps from job to job - to the frustration of employers across the country…

“Why bother doing a job you hate? Why does anyone bother doing anything they don’t want to do?’’ she said....

Ms Francis has ..formed a group called Nomadic Hands to raise awareness of human rights and animal welfare overseas. And, until her hobby leads to full-time work, she remains on the dole.

What she ought to do is write a book about how to get jobs. Seems she's a whiz at finding and getting employment. Staying employed, well, that's another matter.

Well, nobody's perfect.


The Sanity Inspector said...

Hey, at least she's trying, after a fashion. I suspect a childhood of staring at glowing rectangles caused this Attention to Livelihood Deficit Disorder.

miriam sawyer said...

She's had more jobs in her life than my entire family, including in-laws. She's obviously an effective job hunter.