Delaware Top Blogs

Friday, March 04, 2005

How to get through the next four years

In passing, I read the headline of a New York magazine issue. As a librarian, I am ashamed to admit that I cannot find the exact reference--too long ago. But the headline was, "How to get through the next four years." I would guess this refers to the Bush victory and the ensuing trampling on our civil liberties.

My suggestion for getting through the next four years is to read this book.

Journey into the Whirlwind (Helen and Kurt Wolff Books)
by Eugenia Ginzburg "The year 1937 began, to all intents and purposes, at the end of 1934-to be exact, on the first of December..." (more)

1 comment:

Akaky said...

New York Magazine 11/15/04

"How will New York survive George W. Bush's second term?"

and yes, I am literate and amusing, but it's always nice to hear someone else agree with me.